Archive for March, 2009|Monthly archive page

JC Penny: Adorable Affordable Lingerie

In clothing, saving money on March 30, 2009 at 10:13 am

These little nighties are wonderful, they come in bright colors and are all under $40, with some as low as $21. I’m somehow becoming a bit or a pennies fan here. Shhhh, don’t tell my friends.

Inexpensive glasses:

In accessories, Chic, saving money on March 29, 2009 at 7:15 am



Wow, I just checked out an great pair of glasses at I went through the whole process of placing in my prescription, etc and yep, $39 dollars. Now, I haven’t seen them in person, but a friend of mine swears by them so check it out and save that $400 that normally is shelled out for glasses and spend it on a fun time somewhere else!

ideeli: Fantastic one day sales

In Chic, clothing, saving money on March 28, 2009 at 6:52 am


I was invited to ideeli by a friend of mine and I am smitten. This glorious site features anything from gucci watches to paul smith ties and lessa wallace bags, all for a steep discount, the tie above is priced at $45 from $135 and the bag is $132 from. The gucci watch will still set you back $375 but it was originally $750 and what a beauty! The “events” are one designer at a time and last about a day. Its best to get in at the beginning before the good stuff sells out. The site is invite only, so if you are interested, shoot me an email and I’ll send an invite your way!

Target Felix Ray line is gorgeous

In accessories, Chic on March 16, 2009 at 8:56 pm

I absolutely love the felix ray line at target. And the Orla Kiely… and, well you get the idea. Target is leading the pack these days on designers who come in and make fashion affordable. Kohls also has a “designer line” with Vera Wang, but Target does the best byfar. The Felix Ray bags are showing up in Lucky mag, Marie Claire and many other fashion mags. Run to your local target the 29th. They are only there for a limited time.

Markets and Estate Sales

In Chic, crafts, furniture, saving money on March 8, 2009 at 6:13 am

wimberly-marketI don’t know about you, but I absolutely love outdoor markets. Yep, all of them. Farmer’s, Antique, if its outside, I’m sure I’ll love it. Yesterday Chris, our friends Chris and Christina and I went to Wimberly (a town about an hour out of Austin) Market-Days. This is an outdoor knick knack and and any antique you could imagine fair thats held once a month. I found a burnt orange/grey/cream jacket that fit perfectly for $0.50! Yes, less than a dollar. Chris came away with a 1926 yearbook and our friend Chris and Christina also made out like bandits. And they have sno cones. What more can a girl ask? So find your local market and there early if you are hard core or wander in after noon like we did and cruise the stalls for those hidden, overlooked gems.

Sewing and knitting classes

In clothing, crafts on March 5, 2009 at 8:05 am


I’ve been thinking long and hard about these things called sewing machines. I had one a friend lent me for a few months and I tried to figure it out, but it escaped me. Then I took a class! It was $55 (I know a little steep right?) and I came out of it with a pair of pajamas and the confidence to come home and try again. So I’m now on the hunt for sewing classes in my area. I also have a basic knowledge of knitting and am therefore looking for that as well. I think I’ve moved to an area that loves crafty-ness and I’ve decided to embrace it. So here’s my $0.02. Yelp has been a godsend. Search for sewing, knitting classes, fabric store or yarn stores. If the fabric stores don’t offer classes, they will know someone who does. Not that sewing or knitting is for everyone, but if my boyfriend can knit, can’t most people? And on the upside, I’ve found much less expensive classes here in Austin $20 for a 2 hour knitting class and $40 for a sewing class.Happy crafty-ness!